know and reveal your sensitivities & Heal your heart by becoming healthy, true and complete.

hearts will heal

I am not sure why it took me so long to think about getting on the band wagon of “wellness retreat” vacations just as I would think about regular vacations? Perhaps it is because we are so use to societal copy-cat and “follow the leader” strategies that it is mind-numbing to break the cycle of […]

Aromatherapy, Wellness

May 28, 2024

Wellness Retreats. What Are They & What Can They Do For Me?

I titled this blog post with the word “Digestive” care, because the oil I want to feature is PEPPERMINT and that is number 1 and great for digestive needs. In a quick re-cap of EO (aka Essential Oil) self-care, here is a short list of my “go-to” oils and for easy to remember remedies! And […]


January 18, 2024

Digestive Harmony: Unlocking the Power of Natural Care

Disclaimer: Post contains product affiliate links. Do you have any ritual? What is a ritual? If no ritual why not make a ritual? If we take a step back and think about our routines we make for ourselves, we will find we all have them! Right? They are things we do because we feel we […]

Aromatherapy, Feng Shui, Mindset, Wellness

October 20, 2023

Rituals, The Right Ones!

Rituals can be found in burning loose incense, palo santo, sage.

You have been led here for a reason. I’m a holistic health coach for anyone ready to take charge of their life again. This includes evaluating items in your home that surround your space, bringing attention to what your SENSITIVITIES may be within your space. Our bodies are an amazing DRIVER seat if we only […]

Aromatherapy, Wellness

October 20, 2023

Why Diffuse Essential Oil? Part 1