know and reveal your sensitivities & Heal your heart by becoming healthy, true and complete.

hearts will heal

Choose roller bottles because they are SO easy to use. Less mess if any mess at all, easy application on anywhere on your body and already blended with a carrier oil, Win Win! Take it on a plane, Take it on a train, Take it in an automobile! Up to you, the size is slender […]

Feng Shui

January 19, 2024

Some Say Roller Bottle? Why Choose that over Drip Bottle – Essential Oil Wellness

In the hype and juggling schedules of our daily lives, finding peace and balance at home is essential. One way to achieve this is by incorporating Feng Shui principles into your living space. Pinterest, a treasure trove of creative ideas, offers a plethora of inspiration to help you make simplistic changes that can significantly enhance […]

Feng Shui

January 12, 2024

Simplistic Changes to Improve The Flow of your Home

I’m talking about owning crystals in your home! If you never thought about a rock formation in your home as decoration, I highly suggest at least one. The best part about this concept is our own mother earth creates them! No – they most likely can not be found and picked up from your backyard […]

Feng Shui, Product Share, Wellness

January 7, 2024

Do you wish for Mother Earth to Serve you in your Home?

Disclaimer: Post contains product affiliate links. Do you have any ritual? What is a ritual? If no ritual why not make a ritual? If we take a step back and think about our routines we make for ourselves, we will find we all have them! Right? They are things we do because we feel we […]

Aromatherapy, Feng Shui, Mindset, Wellness

October 20, 2023

Rituals, The Right Ones!

Rituals can be found in burning loose incense, palo santo, sage.

Are you open minded to changing some things in your home to make it more sustainable, natural and innovative? For those of you who are curious about how ENERGY SHIFTS occur in your home, think about simple ways to improve your environment. This means removing ALL fake plants! This is my opinion and not based […]

Feng Shui

September 13, 2023

Sea Grass in your Home? Yes Please!