know and reveal your sensitivities & Heal your heart by becoming healthy, true and complete.

hearts will heal

I’m talking about owning crystals in your home! If you never thought about a rock formation in your home as decoration, I highly suggest at least one. The best part about this concept is our own mother earth creates them! No – they most likely can not be found and picked up from your backyard […]

Feng Shui, Product Share, Wellness

January 7, 2024

Do you wish for Mother Earth to Serve you in your Home?

You have been led here for a reason. I’m a holistic health coach for anyone ready to take charge of their life again. This includes evaluating items in your home that surround your space, bringing attention to what your SENSITIVITIES may be within your space. Our bodies are an amazing DRIVER seat if we only […]

Aromatherapy, Wellness

October 20, 2023

Why Diffuse Essential Oil? Part 1