Disclaimer: Post contains product affiliate links.
If we take a step back and think about our routines we make for ourselves, we will find we all have them! Right? They are things we do because we feel we have to or sometimes we really do need to get them done! Laundry on Sundays, or meal prep on Mondays, or showering at night, or working out mid-day.
Same with finances, when buying do you need it or want it? That can be in another blog of mine to help facilitate buying only what is needed.
Rituals are intentional and viewed as more meaningful practices that have sense of purpose. I used to be held back so much by making sure “I did it the right way.” And if I could not do something the right way, I would not. Simple. I realize as I age nicely, each day, each year brings on new perspectives which propel me forward. I also realize that our own journey is made up of mistakes and successes. Mistakes can always be fixed, maybe not in that moment of time but next time!
It is so important for us humans to be kind to ourselves first, show self-care and appreciation for our mind, body and soul. If we give it water, love and shelter we as individuals will thrive. Anything being given to our mind, body or soul that is not serving us in our best and highest self, is just that – it’s not showing self-care to be the best version of ourselves.
So rituals can bring our attention back to center and back to where we need to balance our mind, body, soul and let me add in here SPACE! Brings attention to our space, our shelter and the space where we thrive in. In order to get rid of stagnant energy, or the feeling of stuck it is necessary to bring about some action. My normal and frequent rituals are walks by the ocean sipping coffee or tea.
No one should tell you what that something should be. I only welcome you to be open to new ideas and new rituals that will help serve and your new lifestyle as you continue on your journey!
Check out my latest ritual, of burning loose incense of Jupiter! https://www.instagram.com/reel/CyTUugrunSV/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
Have a wonderful rest of your October and enjoy the Fall foliage if you are a “New Englander”!