I titled this blog post with the word “Digestive” care, because the oil I want to feature is PEPPERMINT and that is number 1 and great for digestive needs. In a quick re-cap of EO (aka Essential Oil) self-care, here is a short list of my “go-to” oils and for easy to remember remedies! And […]
In the hype and juggling schedules of our daily lives, finding peace and balance at home is essential. One way to achieve this is by incorporating Feng Shui principles into your living space. Pinterest, a treasure trove of creative ideas, offers a plethora of inspiration to help you make simplistic changes that can significantly enhance […]
Setting your Intentions Visually is Vital for Personal Success and Focus……… In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it’s easy to get caught up in the routine without taking a moment to reflect on our aspirations and dreams. As we step into the promising realm of 2024, now is the perfect time to […]
I’m talking about owning crystals in your home! If you never thought about a rock formation in your home as decoration, I highly suggest at least one. The best part about this concept is our own mother earth creates them! No – they most likely can not be found and picked up from your backyard […]
Violette_FR Bisou Balm is to wear every day to give a natural lip tint. Applying this balm is a buttery texture that is weightless on your lips, and this is based on my own observation. https://www.violettefr.com/products/bisou-balm?variant=39858846531773¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAmsurBhBvEiwA6e-WPCYbm-jsnYF0uN40ZYlYmuHJP-y0B0mKXO7cPWvzKuRutsCKaBw_jxoCm0sQAvD_BwE Dime Perfume committed to providing clean and safe alternatives for traditional skincare and transparent about every ingredient. https://amzn.to/3uwKJP4 Ho’oponopono […]
Disclaimer: Post contains product affiliate links. Do you have any ritual? What is a ritual? If no ritual why not make a ritual? If we take a step back and think about our routines we make for ourselves, we will find we all have them! Right? They are things we do because we feel we […]
You have been led here for a reason. I’m a holistic health coach for anyone ready to take charge of their life again. This includes evaluating items in your home that surround your space, bringing attention to what your SENSITIVITIES may be within your space. Our bodies are an amazing DRIVER seat if we only […]
Believing that everything and everyone exudes energy is super charging! If you really get deep into that thought and sit with it for a moment it can literally make you feel like you’ve just downed a super caffeinated drink! Which brings me to my point about an energetic exchange between people, family, friends, and pets! […]